July 31st - August 13th 2021: Learnings from an insightful 3-week Journey - Journey to the C-Suite!
Get-together at Bangalore!
It was a wonderful afternoon where some of the Bangalore-based participants of up! SURGE spent time swapping stories and learnings!
Senior women leaders who would like to participate in the second cohort in April ’22 and the third cohort in September '22, please reach out to communication@xl4w.com
Chondamma Kashiappa Commonwealth Bank Priyanka Rai Sheril Christopher 3M Meghna Agrawal Diageo Sushma Rajesh The Walt Disney Company Yamuna Sastry Dvara Money Roopa Vikram ITC Limited
Sudakshina Ghosh SAP Maya John VerSe Innovation XLRI Jamshedpur Shreyashi Chakraborty
up! STORIES from Kumuda TS, GE Healthcare India who shares her insights and takeaways
Kumuda TS from GE Healthcare India shares her insights and takeaways from up! SURGE 2021 where she was part of a cohort of 120 leaders from across 49 companies and 15 industry segments.
Thanks Kumuda TS for your story!
XLRI Jamshedpur Centre for Gender Equality & Inclusive Leadership in partnership with XL4W: XLRI for Women looks forward to welcoming our second cohort of up! SURGE in April 2022. For any queries, write to communication@xl4w.com
XLRI Jamshedpur Shreyashi Chakraborty Diya Kapur Misra Aashiana Hussainy Shabari Madappa Madhavi Lall Devika Dharmaraj Sudakshina Ghosh Maya John Karishma Pais Titan Company Limited dunnhumby Amazon #upstories #upsurge #xlri
up! SURGE: Network - Learn - Grow
up! Surge concluded in August 2021 was a roaring success. Women leaders who participated in the first cohort were inspired to dream BIG and navigate their leadership paths.
Being able to network and continue to remain engaged with each other was a key ask from participants.
With that in mind and also to create and nurture a vibrant community of women leaders, the up! SURGE journey continues.
As the first learning offering, we bring you a session on acing your presence on social media and leveraging #LinkedIn for amplifying your voice and impact.
The up! SURGE journey continues!
#xlri #xlricgeil #xl4w #womenleaders #leadership
Madhavi Lall Shabari Madappa Maya John Aparna Ponnappa Jayashree Marakini Braganza